Tyre Flex Couplings

Tyre Flex Coupling

Tyre Flex Couplings Type O/OF/OST

The flexible capabilities of the Tyre flex Couplings help to accommodate angular, parallel and axial misalignments.

Parallel Misalignment upto 6 mm. Angular Misalignment upto 4°. End Float upto 8 mm. Suitable in ambient temp. upto 70°C.


Tyreflex being a torsionally soft coupling protects against vibration, impact loads and heavy shocks in the event of sudden load changes.


Alignment is quickly checked by placing a straight edge across the outside diameters of the flanges.

Installation or replacement of new tyre is achieved without disturbing driver or driven shafts, simply by loosening the clamping screws, placing a new tyre between the flanges and clamping rings and then tightening the clamping screws.


Tyre-flex Spacer Couplings RST are specifically designed for motor-pump installations, where it is desirable not to disturb drive/driven equipment while servicing impellers, packing glands, etc.

The maintenance time-reduction feature is valuable on pumps, compressors and many other applications.

It comprises of a spacer assembly and a standard Tyre-flex coupling. The spacer assembly consists of a flanged shaft and a spacer adapter taper bored to suit standard Taper Bush.

Power Rating (kW)

Speed rpm Size O/OF
4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 14 16 18 20 22 25
100 0.25 0.69 1.33 2.62 3.93 5.24 7.07 9.16 13.9 24.3 39.5 65.7 97.6 121 154
750 1.87 5.17 9.97 19.65 29.47 39.30 53.02 68.70 104.25 182.25 296.75 492.75 732 907.5 1155
1000 2.50 6.90 13.30 26.20 39.30 52.40 70.70 91.60 139.0 243.0 657.0 657.0 976 1215 1537
1500 3.75 10.35 19.95 39.30 58.95 78.60 106.05 137.40 208.50 364.50 986.5 986.5 - - -
1800 4.50 12.42 23.94 47.16 70.74 94.32 127.26 164.88 250.20 437.40 - - - - -
3000 7.50 20.70 39.90 78.60 117.90 157.20 - - - - - - - - -
3600 9.00 24.84 47.98 94.32 - - - - - - - - - - -


  • All these power ratings are calculated at constant torque.
  • For speeds below 100 rpm and intermediate speeds use normal torque ratings.
  • Dynamic balancing preferred at these
Poles 2 4 6 8
rpm 3000 1500 1000 750


Technical Data – Flexible Tyres

Speed rpm Size O/OF
4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 14 16 18 20 22 25
Max. Speed                             rpm 4500 4500 4000 3600 3100 3000 2600 2300 2050 1800 1600 1500 1300 1100 1000
Torsional Stiffness               Nm/Deg. 5 13 26 41 63 91 126 178 296 470 778 1371 1959 2760 3562
Parallel Misalignment        mm 1.1 1.3 1.6 1.9 2.1 2.4 2.6 2.9 3.2 3.7 4.2 4.8 5.3 5.8 6.6
End Float                                  mm 1.3 1.7 2 2.3 2.6 3 3.3 3.7 4 4.6 5.3 6 6.6 7.3 8.2
Normal Torque                      Nm 24 66 127 250 375 500 675 875 1330 2325 3730 6270 9325 11600 14675
Max. Torque                           Nm 64 160 318 487 759 1096 1517 2137 3547 5642 9339 16455 23508 33125 42740



Dimensions of Tyre-Flex Hub Types B, F & H

Coupling Size Lovejoy Coupling Size KW at 100 RPM MAX. SPEED (RPM) TYPE # BUSH SIZE BORE OD #TYPE F/H TYPE B A B C G M WT.(Kg) M.I. (WR2) Kg-m2
O-4 T-4 0.25 4500 B - 10 32 - - - 68 22 104 - 82 24 17 1.9 0.00161
F/H 1008 - 25 68 22 29 - - - 24 17 1.7 0.00148
O-5 T-5 0.69 4500 B - 10 38 - - - 93 32 133 79 100 29 17 3.5 0.00358
F/H 1210 - 32 79 25 38 - - 79 29 19 2.7 0.00349
O-6 T-6 1.33 4000 B - 15 45 - - - 111 38 165 73 125 35 8 5 0.0105
F/H 1610 - 42 85 25 38 - - 103 35 19 3.6 0.0103
O-7 T-7 2.62 3600 B - 19 50 - - - 133 45 197 77 144 43 - 7.8 0.0198
OF-7 TO-7 F/H 1610 - 42 66 25 38 77 16 - 5.6 0.0142
O-8 T-8 3.93 3100 B - 25 63 - - - 150 51 210 96 167 48 - 10.9 0.042
OF-8 TO-8 F/H 2012 50 86 32 42 96 22 - 7.9 0.0304
O-9 T-9 5.24 3000 B - 30 75 - - - 165 57 235 110 188 51 - 15 0.0681
OF-9 TO-9 F/H 2517 60 114 45 48 110 24 - 11 0.0499
O-10 T-10 7.07 2600 B - 32 80 - - - 178 60 254 125 216 58 - 21.5 0.1303
OF-10 TO-10 F/H 2517 - 60 114 45 48 - - 125 24 - 16.9 0.1024
O-11 T-11 9.16 2300 B - 32 90 - - - 183 65 279 140 233 53 - 28.8 0.1622
OF-11 TO-11 F/H 2517 60 112 45 48 - - 140 22 - 21.5 0.1210
O-12 T-12 13.90 2050 B - 38 100 - - - 210 76 314 152 264 58 - 43.1 0.365
OF-12 TO-12 F/H 3020 75 127 51 55 - - 152 25 - 33.3 0.282
OF-14 TO-14 24.30 1800 B - 58 125 - - - 210 89 359 195 311 32 26 60.6 0.6045
F/H 3525 - 90 162 65 67 - - 195 32 - 42.6 0.4922
OF-16 TO-16 39.50 1600 B - 65 140 - - - 234 102 395 216 345 30 - 86.4 1.2755
F/H 4030 - 100 184 77 80 - - 216 30 - 72.6 1.1134
OF-18 TO-18 65.70 1500 B - 70 150 - - - 287 116 470 220 398 46 - 133.3 2.1525
F/H 4535 - 115 224 89 89 - - 220 46 - 123 1.9514
OF-20 TO-20 97.60 1300 B - 70 115 - - - 276 114 508 220 429 48 - 144.6 3.1765
F/H 4535 - 160 226 89 89 - - 220 48 - 158.3 3.0129
OF-22 TO-22 121 1100 B - 75 160 - - - 308 127 562 240 470 54 - 181.63 4.7861
F/H 5040 - 125 258 102 92 - - 240 54 - 195.1 4.8954
OF-25 TO-25 154 1000 B - 85 190 - - - 324 132 628 275 532 60 - 281.1 8.129



  • All Dimensions are in mm
  • M is amount by which clamping screw need to be withdrawn to release tyre
  • J is wrench clearance to allow for tightening and loosening of the bush on the shaft
  • Shaft ends, although normally located G apart can project beyond flanges
  • Weight & Moment of inertia specified for solid bores
  • F/H construction for size 7 to 12 available in OF - 07 to OF – 12
  • #Available only with taper bore, without taper bush



Table A- Dimensional Data

Coupling Size Lovejoy Coupling Size TYPE NOM. DBSE BORE OD1 A B TL L J S C Tyre Flex Size Bore OD2 G M
OST-12 RST-12 B 80 10 42 118 83 127 - 25 22 57 - 25 4 10 32 24 - 17
100 147 - 77
OST-16 RST-16 B 100 18 48 127 80 160 - 38 24 94 - 32 4 10 32 24 - 17
140 200 134 4 10 32 24 17
100 170 94 5 10 38 29 17
140 210 134 5 10 38 29 17
100 176 94 6 15 45 35 8
140 216 134 6 15 45 35 8
OST-25 RST-25 B 100 38 80 178 127 - 190 45 27 94 48 7 19 50 - 16 -
140 230 134 7 19 50 16 -
180 270 174 7 19 50 16 -
100 196 94 8 25 63 22 10
140 236 134 8 25 63 22 10
180 276 174 8 25 63 22 10
140 242 134 9 30 75 24 -
180 282 174 9 30 75 24 -
OST-30 RST-30 B 140 40 90 216 146 - 276 76 33 - 134 60 10 32 80 - 24 24
180 316 174 10 32 80 24 24
140 281 134 11 32 90 22 22
180 321 11 32 90 22 22
OST-35 RST-35 B 140 66 110 248 178 - 89 33 - 134 80 12 38 100 -
180 337 174 12 38 100 25 -
180 297 174 14 58 125 32 -
337 32 26


*T4 'B’ flange must be used to fit spacer shaft.

# For detailed information about Taper Bush bore, please refer Taper Bush catalogue.

® All dimensions are in mm unless otherwise specified.

M is amount by which clamping screw need to be withdrawn to release tyre.

J is wrench clearance to allow for tightening and loosening of the bush on the shaft.

Table B- Distance Between Shaft Ends (DBSE)

Tyre-flex Size O/OF OST12 OST16 OST25 OST30 OST35
80 100 140 100 140 180 140 180 140 180
Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max
4 80 100 100 113 140 153
5 100 116 140 156
6 100 124 140 164
7 F 100 107 140 147 180 187
8 F 100 112 140 152 180 192
9 140 155 180 195
10 F 140 151 180 191
11 140 151 180 192
12 F 140 156 180 196
14 140 153 180 193



1.Non STD Spacers are available on request.

2.Refer Installation Instructions for Mounting and Dismounting.

3.Available only with taper bore, without taper bush.

4.Consult Octaforce for Max Bore with Square Key.